Count On Me: 13 Friends Every Woman Needs In Her Life

- By Bossip Staff
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Friends Every Woman Needs.

Ladies are getting educated, getting money, being bosses and winning big. And one of the best parts of the ride is having great friends to see you through all the ups and downs.

Here’s a list girlfriends every woman should have on her team.

The Confidant.

This woman is a great listener and keeps her mouth shut. Her heart is a vault full of all your secrets and she would never breathe a word. She doesn’t spread your business. Even the juiciest of stories are under lock and key and she’ll take them to the grave.




The Party Girl

She knows everybody. She can get you in any club on any night. She can get you tickets for any show or sporting event. She’s got the connects. And because she’s your friend, so do you.



The business mentor

She handles hers. She’s done the corporate thing on a high level. She’s probably a director, vice president or CEO. She  owns a business or 2 and knows a lot of ways to get to the money. You can bring all your career questions and concerns to her. She knows the ropes.



The saved one

Every woman needs somebody who can pray for them. She will whip out the Bible and find a verse to encourage you. Even if you don’t believe, you can’t deny the power of good, focused, positive spiritual intention.



Ballin besties.

The work friend

Every woman needs that friend who helps them get through the day at the office. Whether it’s lunching together, covering for each other on the rough days or just sharing the best links you saw online that day, she’s got your back at the job.



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The travel buddy.

She’s ready to roll. Whether it’s shooting downt to the beach, a cross-country flight, a road trip two states over for a cookout or a  journey to Africa to see the Door of No Return, this girl is down to ride out with you wherever you need or want to go. Her passport is stamped and her bags are packed. Bon voyage.




The fitness queen

This one stays in the gym. She knows everything about healthy eating exercise and staying in shape. Whether you are trying to change your nutritional lifestyle or just trying to slim down to fit into a new dress, she can help you get there.


What about your friends?

The everyday chef

This one is an amazing cook. She puts the people on the Food Network to shame with all her different recipes and the way she makes throwin’ down in the kitchen like the best of our grandmothers seem super easy. She can help you get your cuisine game up or you can just pay her to make an amazing meal when bae is coming over that you pretend to have made.


“Don’t know what I’d ever do without you, From the beginning to the end…”

The fashion maven

This chick is just fly. She puts together looks effortlessly and is always up on trends while still managing to be fresh. Whether you need a complete makeover or just the perfect dress for the wedding you have to attend where you’re sure to run into your ex, she’s got you covered.




The techie.


She’s a social media queen, she builds websites, she knows how to code and fix your hard drive when your laptop starts acting up too. Any questions about the latest technology or how to navigate the digital space? She can beam it up.




The fighter


You probably grew up together. Maybe she’s your cousin on your daddy’s side. Either way this one will literally fight for you. She will slap, snatch and drag anybody who crosses you. She may need a little anger management but you ain’t never scared when she’s around.



The soul sister

This one keeps you calm and makes sure all your chakras are aligned and whatnot. She’s always got tea and incense (and a loud pack) on deck. She might teach yoga or study astrology. Wale would probably have a crush on her (she probably wouldn’t like him back). She knows all kinds of natural remedies for things and is the go-to source for your activism information needs. She probably shops at Whole Foods.



A woman needs girlfriends. She needs someone that can check her when she’s wrong and cheer her on when she’s right. Someone to celebrate her wins and lift her up when she falls. There is something sacred about the bond between women. If you’re one of those chicks that can’t seem to get along with other women you should reevaluate yourself. Sisterhood is one of the greatest gifts a woman can receive in life and a true friend will be there when nobody else will.





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