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Allen West Orders Chick-Fil-A To Meeting

Allen West and his tea party buddies aren’t going over well with their Chick-Fil-A support.

The national Chick-fil-A controversy continued for members of the Congressional Black Caucus this week, as some members remembered when Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) had chicken and biscuits from Chick-fil-A delivered to the group’s meeting. West, a black Tea Party Republican who supports the chain restaurant’s anti-marriage equality stance, brought the food into the meeting six months ago and then walked out. It was West’s turn to provide the group with a formal lunch that week. As the only Republican member of the CBC, West hasn’t attended a meeting since the Chick-fil-A delivery. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) said West’s move offended “every member” of the meeting. “This was an ‘in your face,’” Hastings told the Huffington Post. “He did it deliberately.” West’s delivery was fresh in Hastings’s mind because of recent comments he’d made in support of the fast food chain. Although several high profile members of the caucus support marriage equality, the group has struggled in the past with gay civil rights and black civil rights comparison.

That’s an all-around d-bag move on West’s part. He sounds like an absolute jerk. We shouldn’t be surprised though.

What a clown.



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