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Study: Black Rape Victims Less Likely To Get Help From White Bystanders

Surprise, surprise.

White collegiate women are less likely to help black women at risk of rape based on a study conducted recently by Psychology Of Women Quarterly. The study included 160 white college women who were giving a scenario and asked how they would respond. The female undergrads read about attending a party where they saw a sober man lead an intoxicated woman into a private bedroom and then sexually assault the victim.

In some versions on the story the victim had a distinctly black sounding name (LaToya) and in other versions it was a white sounding name (Laura). As reported, in identical scenarios– aside from the fact that their names were different– the women were less likely to intervene for the women with black sounding names.

This is a stunning revelation (kinda), especially since white college women are usually considered more liberal and “allies” in feminism but, I guess we got it twisted!



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