Bossip Video

Donte Palmer

Source: Image via Donte Palmer/Squat For Change 

#SquatForChange Campaigns For Changing Tables In Men’s Restrooms

Listen up, there’s a campaign that you should be aware of that involves doting dads trying their best to handle the basic needs of their babies.

Donte Palmer is a Florida father whose story went viral after he shared that he often has to squat down on the floor of the men’s restroom to change his 1-year-old son’s diaper. Why? Well because changing tables aren’t commonly found in men’s latrines.

Donte, 31, says he’s had to find creative ways to change his child including stretching his son across a sink, having an older child stand, and yes, perfecting the squat that allows him to change the child across his lap.

Donte’s squatting photo that was taken by his 12-year-old went viral on Instagram and Facebook and thousands of fathers have since shown support and their squat struggles. Donte’s stance also gained the attention of The Washington Post and The Real.


Donte who’s a married stay at home dad and has two other children has since started the #SquatForChange GoFundMe.

No man should have to struggle to change their child’s diaper, we hope this spreads like wildfire.

If you’re interested in learning more and seeing how you can help, read more about Donte’s campaign HERE.


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