Bossip Video

Black Lives Matter Holds Protest In Los Angeles After Death Of George Floyd

Source: Warrick Page / Getty

We been telling Amerikkka that the police don’t give a f**k about us and it took George Floyd to die on camera to convince the country en masse that there was a serious problem. Sad, but it is what it is. There have been rebellions, cop cars on fire, police precincts burned to the ground, officers killed and more yet somehow cops still thought they could have a casually racist conversation about the death and genocide of Black people ON CAMERA>

According to The Hill, three such officers in Wilmington, North Carolina were all admitted to the hate crime-y convo with each other after internal affairs found the audio during their investigation. Cpl. Jessie Moore and officers James Gilmore and Kevin Piner have all been fired says the city’s Police Chief Donny Williams. Both “standard of conduct” and “use of appropriate language” were cited as reasons behind their termination.

“Why are we releasing this information this way and at this time? Because it is the right thing to do,” Williams said. “Normally, personnel laws allow only a very small amount of information to be made public. However, in exceptional cases, when it is essential to maintain public confidence in the administration of the City and the Police Department, more information may be released.

Ok, well, in that spirit let’s go ahead and have a look at the personnel file of the rest of the department too. Call us cynical but the idea that these three are the only ones talking like this. What’s crazy is that this wasn’t even a targeted investigation according to the report. Just a routine inspection of Officer Piner’s in-car camera footage.

It’s said that approximately 46 minutes and 12 seconds in the video the Gilmore and Piner start talking s#!t about the department saying that their focus is “kneeling down with the Black folks.” They were then heard complaining about a viral video showing white people kneeling and bowing down to Black folks. About 15 minutes later Moore calls and uses a racist slur to describe a woman he’s just arrested. Then came the doozy…

Later in the conversation, Piner told Moore he feels a civil war is coming and he is “ready,” according to the police report. He said he is going to buy a new assault rifle in the next couple of weeks and said society will be close to “Marshall Law” and discussed “slaughtering” people, using a racial slur. Moore responded that he would not do that, based on the report, to which Piner said, “I’m ready.”

Remember, each officer admitted to their voices for each conversation. These men had badges and guns and the power to decide if we live or die. Which one do you think they were more apt to choose?

They should all go to prison. It should be absolutely a crime to talk like that as a sworn officer of the law.


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