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Happy almost there Thursday, Bossip readers! Let’s dive into today’s topic, shall we? Did you know that stress kills? And the worst part of it is, it kills you slowly. True story. Okay, so it can’t, literally, make anyone keel over and expire but it can be the sole cause of deadly health issues. Being under constant stress means the body stays in “fight mode” which creates the avenue for a variety of health risks that can become problematic over time. The main problem is, people who are chronically tense and anxious often mistake “fight mode” for being their normal, daily state of being making it difficult to detect the way their body reacts to stressors. Everyone is affected by it but the key is getting to know how your body reacts under extreme tension and pressure because once you’re aware of your individual symptoms, the better you can manage them. We’ve all had one of those days where by lunch time our shoulders are jacked up to our ears, then sprouts the headache followed by an extra pinch of anxiety that sends you over the edge because, at this point, you’re just ready to go but you have so much work to get done by a certain deadline. Right. We’ve all been there and once it’s over, we do what we should’ve done the whole way through . . . breathe. Symptoms of stress vary from person to person but they include: neck, shoulder and back pain, chest pain, rapid heart beat, unsettled stomach, shortness of breath, cold sweats, grinding of the teeth, over/under eating, emotional outbursts, irritability, lack of sleep, constant fatigue and overall negative thoughts and feelings. That’s just to name a few and the list continues! There are a number of things you can so once you identify how you, personally, react to stress and what sends you through a frenzy. Take a look!

Breathe – too often we forget how important it is to breathe deep and release the tension that stress creates. You can do this at your desk every so often until it becomes practice. But take two to three minutes, close your eyes and breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. You’ll notice your shoulders start to relax and your body begins to release. You may notice that various bones “pop” and the tension in your neck decreases . . . you may even feel energized.

Resist Overindulgence – some of us take to drinking, smoking and lightweight mind-altering substances to cope with daily stresses. One to two glasses of wine or a cocktail is fine but remember not to overdo it, you don’t want it to become habitual. Smoking cigarettes are bad for you, period. And as for marijuana . . . just legalize it already, right? Again, moderation is key, you don’t want to become a wake-and-baker . . . starting your day off in a smokey haze is no good, not to mention the midday crash. Save all recreational substances for after work hours.

Remain Active – sometimes you should just hit the gym or take a walk to “take the edge off” instead of the consuming or inhaling of substances! There’s something to be said about “sweating out” your troubles. Get in a zone and move your body! It’s not meant to be idle and many of us work behind desks and lack the physical activity our bodies need! We’re not built to be sedentary so it’s imperative that we balance our work and workouts! For high stress work environments, some people would benefit from contact sports like a sparring, kickboxing or martial arts classes while others would prefer the more zen-like workouts i.e. yoga and pilates which are great for centering and breathing techniques.

Leave Work at Work – it’s so easy to fall prey to the stresses of your irritating co-workers or monster boss but leaving work to go to bar and vent about your daily work stressors are counterproductive and set a negative tone tone for the following work day. Be grateful you have a job, first of all and talk about or brainstorm on things that will make your office environment better if you just have to rant about it! Otherwise, leave work where it is and enjoy the the very few hours you have each day away from your job!

Pick a Day – once we get off work, we go home and do what? Check the mail. And find what? Bills. They don’t stop and they keep coming. Some of us will rifle through them everyday trying to figure out how and when they’re going to get paid, which adds more stress to your life in general! Pick a day or two out of the week that you can dedicate an hour/ hour and a half to sorting through the bills and budgeting your expenses. The bill aren’t going anywhere and collectors know how to find you if need be, so relax and don’t be a slave to your finances! And while you’re at it, turn the ringer off your phone and enjoy being at home!

These are just a few ways to combat the repercussions of daily stress and there are many more to follow so look for part 2 next week!

How do you relieve your stress, Bossip fam? Leave your thoughts in the thread!

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