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Falling in love with an American politician is like asking a prostitute to be faithful.  It just doesn’t work, since they are not designed to be loyal to anyone other than their pimp.  In fact, they are wired to understand that voters who love them unconditionally should be at the bottom of their priority list.  We passionately back the latest candidate to promise us that politics will be changed for good, only to watch that person be absorbed by the system and made into something they swore they’d never become.

Such is the art of political bullsh*t.  Americans are unique in this regard, as European voters are a bit more rational and intelligent than we are when it comes to deciding who will lead them.  Rather than denying a vote because someone had an affair with their babysitter, they vote for the person who can create jobs.  Instead of being disappointed when their political leaders are not as perfect as they pretend to be, Europeans assume you’re imperfect and simply wonder what kind of leader you’re going to be.

Read The Rest at The Atlanta Post


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