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Hey Jada, it might be time you stopped being Willow’s “partner” and be her parent. Finally somebody is showing a lil concern over how lil Willow Smith needs to get her life together!

Via The National Enquirer

WILL SMITH and Jada Pinkett’s 12-year-old daughter WILLOW is acting increasingly wor­risome – and her troubling behavior is ringing alarm bells with her superstar parents.

Willow, who scored an instant hit with her 2010 music video “Whip My Hair,” was recently spotted looking like a home­less kid and wearing a jacket with “I Hate Everyone” scrawled on the back.

And as The ENQUIRER previously reported, she’s been posting disturbing messages on social media outlets. Now mental health experts agree her actions are a desperate cry for help.

“That jacket just screams for at­tention,” psychologist Terry Lyles told The ENQUIRER.

“It’s a garment tattoo that says Willow feels like an alien in this world. She feels misunderstood, like an outcast who is not truly being seen or heard.”

Willow has regularly turned to social media websites to bare her soul, expressing her dark feel­ings on a Tumblr blog, in Twitter messages and on Instagram accounts.

She’s written: “Being normal is ugly,” “I live in my own hell,” “I am on the brink,” “Life is pain,” and “I think my thoughts are trying to murder me.”

Willow – who covers Adele’s version of the James Bond movie theme “Skyfall” in a new video – has also gotten a fake tongue piercing, and she shaved her head before dying her hair green. Noted New York-based psychologist Dr. Judy Kuriansky said: “I do think Willow would benefit from therapy to sort out these feelings of angst and despair that ap­pear to plague her.

Meanwhile, “Men in Black” star Will and Jada – who’ve pulled their 14-year marriage back from the brink of collapse – are arguing over how to raise their daugh­ter, sources say.

“Jada thinks Wil­low is a brilliant artist in the making,” revealed a source. “She’s been scheduling time for her in the recording studio and is shuttling her to acting auditions.

“But Will feels Willow needs more structure and less showbiz.

“They had a massive blow-up after Willow’s latest fashion statement. Will demanded that Jada back his new rules for the girl, but Jada accused him of being an old fuddy-duddy who doesn’t understand his own kids.”

Another source added: “Wil­low’s behavior is clearly a cry for help. If Will and Jada can’t resolve their differences on how to raise her, Wil­low may well nosedive even further. She’s turned into a little girl lost.”

What would you do if you were Willow’s parents? Would you forbid her from wearing the crazy outfits and speaking out on social media? Or is she just a normal tween going through the difficulties that come with puberty?

Ya think a good old fashioned azz whupping might do her good?



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