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Anthea Butler: Government Shutdown Due To GOP Racism

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard this

Anthea Butler, who is a professor at the University Of Pennsylvania and well known for calling God racist after George Zimmerman got away with murdering Trayvon Martin, has taken to Twitter to share her views on the government shutdown that was announced yesterday.

Republican racism along with dumbazzness and jackazzery are her reasons…and folks are maddddddd.

Via Campus Reform:

The government shutdown is partly due to President Obama’s “race,” University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), Associate Professor Anthea Butler suggested in an angry Twitter tirade on Monday night. The last government shutdown took place under the “fake black president Clinton” but now they have a “real black president to mess with,” tweeted Butler. “Perhaps if the republicans would quit trying to regulate vaginas they could practice governance.”

“you’d have to be blind to think race does not play into this stupidity,” she continued, responding to a separate tweet that inferred the partisan climate was due to both Clinton and Obama being Democrats. Butler began the rant with a modified tweet at around 9:22 p.m. EDT, writing that if the “Republicans would quit trying to regulate vaginas they could practice governance.”

“oh yea, they hate that,” she added. Moving on, Butler then responded to someone on Twitter who was asking how the government shutdown could happen by tweeting: “dumbasses.” Around 1 a.m., on Tuesday, Butler retweeted a statement to U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehner telling him he was “drunk” and should “go home.” Butler wound down her evening by tweeting “The rest of the world is laughing at the amount of jackassery in our congress. american exceptionalism indeed.”

She signed off early this morning claiming “I’m going to bed.Sad thing is, when I wake up,these crazy republicans will stiill be frothing at the mouth while folks sign up 4Obamacare.”

Oh yeah, they maddddddddd…

She also shared some personal moments and experiences with the government shutdowns.




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