Here's What Happened When A Twitter Fingery Thirst Box Dissed Michelle Obama

Here’s What Happened When A Twitter Fingery Thirst Box Dissed Michelle Obama

- By Bossip Staff
8 of 19


The MichelleObamaHive Vs. Thirsty Twitter Hater #1

Michelle Obama Twitter

It was just another random Monday night on Black Twitter when a Twitter fingery thirst box named Courtney (@_CoDiddy) fired shots at QUEEN Michelle Obama that A) sparked hilarious chaos across social media B) ended with her being dragged to Hell by her aggressive eyebrows and C) served as a valuable lesson to anyone doubting the First Lady’s hive.

Michelle Obama Twitter

Hit the flip for a front row seat to the must-see dragging everyone’s buzzing about.

First, this happened…

Michelle Obama Twitter


Michelle Obama Twitter

And the rest is Black Twitter history…

Michelle Obama Twitter

Michelle Obama Twitter

Michelle Obama Twitter


Michelle Obama Twitter

Michelle Obama Twitter

Michelle Obama Twitter

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Michelle Obama Twitter

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Michelle Obama Twitter

Michelle Obama Twitter


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