11 Signs Your Relationship Won't Work

Bad Romance: 11 Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed

- By Bossip Staff
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So you’re finally booed up but you’re just not so sure that everything is going well. Confused?

Reasons Your Relationship Might Be In Trouble.

Here’s a list of clues that your relationship is headed down the drain.

You’re a secret.

Have you only met their one friend that stops by in the evening to drop the kush off? Are you forbidden from talking to/about your partner on social media? Do you have to play the background at events or pretend to be “just friends” in public? Your relationship is headed nowhere fast. Being acknowledged but keeping your business private is one thing. Being locked in the basement when company comes over is quite another.


You only text or email.

If you only communicate by text or email, you probably won’t make it. People that are into each other don’t hide behind a keyboard all the time. They talk. And not just the 5 minutes after sex before you fall asleep.


They’re addicted to something.


If you or your significant other is strung out on drugs, is an alcoholic, a sex addict or has any other dependency, the relationship can never be healthy. Until you/they are.




Too much baggage.

If you or your partner have too much baggage: debt, back child support, a trail of co-parents, chances are the strain is too much on your relationship. Maybe you can carry each other’s luggage for a while but at some point resolutions to the issues must be made.



Not over the ex.

If you or your boo are still hung up on one (or more of) your exes, your current relationship will never fully grow. As long as you are looking backwards and holding on to the past you can’t be present for right now and you’re not giving your love a fair chance.



Faking it till you make it.

If it feels like you and your partner are trying to convince everybody else how happy you are but in private things are a mess? Your relationship is heading in a dangerous direction.



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You don’t trust each other.

If you don’t feel safe and secure with your mate because you don’t trust them or they are disloyal, you are in trouble. Trust is a huge part of your relationship foundation. Without it, what’s the point?


Is this the soundtrack of your relationship?


If one minute they are all over you and the next minute they won’t even reply to your text? Welcome to relationship doomsday. Inconsistency in a relationship is manipulative behavior and can make the person on the receiving end feel crazy and experience a lot of hurt. Inconsistency is confusing and harmful. And it’s why your relationship is crashing and burning.


Sometimes even Iyanla can’t fix it.

No respect.

If  your partner is not placing you on a higher level than the other people in their life and is embarrassing you with inappropriate, disloyal behavior, they aren’t showing you much respect. When a person respects you they handle you with dignity and care, not like a disposable diaper.


You’re competing for them.

If your partner claims to be committed to you but you have to wait your turn to get their attention after their friends, family, exes, side-pieces, twitter DMs and Facebook chats, they’re just not that into you. Your relationship is shaky at best if you’re still trying to prove that you’re the one.


You’ve been here before.

If you feel like you keep dating the same person in a different body, this relationship will probably end just as badly as the last one did. Dating the same fail of a person over and over again is a negative pattern that you should want to break. Take some time out to figure out why you keep falling for sleazebags.


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