How To Get Over Your Ex

Bounce Back: 15 Ways To Get Over Your Ex

- By Bossip Staff
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Giving up is hard to do.

How To Get Over Your Ex

Almost everyone has gone through a heartbreak or had their dating situation end. But some people have a bit harder time moving on than others. If you find yourself still waiting for your ex to come back or holding on to a piece of them, you may need some help letting go.

Here are [some] things to do to get over your ex.


Stop Talking To Them

Are you always texting, calling, emailing links or otherwise trying to engage your ex? Stop. If you’re trying to get over someone, you’re gonna need a moment of silence.




Stop Talking About Them. Sometimes we can’t get past our exes because we keep talking about them and focusing on them. Don’t waste your conversation rehashing why your raggedy ex was a mess. Stop talking about them. Unless it’s to your therapist.

Delete. Delete. Delete. Erase their contact out of your phone, delete them from social media, delete their old emails, get their junk out of your house, heart and mind. If you want to get over your ex you have to clear them out.



Stop Replying. Maybe they’re the ones that are calling and texting you. Stop responding. If anything good was going to come of it, wouldn’t it have by now? They are stringing you along and you are reading up on how to get over them. Put the phone down.


Accept that it’s over so that you can heal.


Stop sleeping with them. If you are still sleeping with your ex, you are not going to get over them. Sex does not mean that they want you back. It just means you are still letting them have access to your body with no commitment.

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Stop stalking. Do you spend hours scouring their social media? Do you drive past their house “just to see”? What exactly are you looking for? Clues? You have the answer already. It’s over. Now stop following them.

Stop Holding On To Their Family and Friends. It’s understandable that two people in a relationship will share a lot of the same friends either beforehand or ones they made as a couple. But there are some people that you would not know or have any connection to at all if it were not  for your ex. Like his mama, sisters, best friend, etc. Why are you still clinging to these people? They are clearly on your exes team. While they may think you’re a nice person, keeping a tight grip on them won’t make your ex come back.

Stay away from them. Do you keep showing up to events or regular places that you know your ex will be? Like their  birthday party, family barbecue or their grandmother’s neighbor’s funeral? Stop. You’ll never get over your ex if you keep trying to insert yourself into their lives.

Don’t compare yourself to their new partner. If you’ve truly been moving on, you shouldn’t even know who their new partner is, but since you do, stop comparing yourself to them. They could never be you and you could never be them. People connect for all kinds of reasons and you worrying what it is about them won’t make your ex come back.

Make a list of the bad stuff. Literally take out a pen and paper and write down all the things you don’t like about them. Type it in your phone, keep it in your email. Every time you start to miss them, look at that list. Remind yourself why you broke up in the first place and keep it moving!




Get a life. Put some things on your schedule. Get busy on that hobby, write that book, record that single, take that trip, just do what makes you happy and fulfilled. If you’re working on yourself, you’ll have no time to be worried about your ex.



Go to the gym. Get active! Work out, go for a walk, ride a bike, take a yoga class, get in shape. Taking care of your physical health will help with your emotional health. You’ll be feeling good and looking better. Over the ex and on to the next!


Go to school. They say education is the key to freedom. Go to school and get your learn on. Get the skills, training and information you need to be a better more fabulous you. Go and get the diploma or degree you always wanted. With your head in the books, you’ll be over your ex. Too busy getting straight A’s.




Date someone else! One sure way to help get over your ex is to date someone new! Open yourself up to the possibility of a new partner. Look forward, not back.




Get help. Counseling and therapy with a mental health professional or life coach is a great tool to use to help you heal and get on with your life.






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