Charles Barkley's Most Controversial Quotes

Loud & Wrong: A Gallery Of Charles Barkley’s Most Controversial Quotes

- By Bossip Staff
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Charles Barkley’s Most Shocking, Idiotic & Controversial Quotes

Legendary NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley has no problem blabbering, loudly and wrongly, about everything as America’s beloved/hated drunk uncle. Why he refuses to stick to basketball analysis, we’ll never know, but he’s currently embroiled in yet another controversy over his notoriously unpopular opinions.

Hit the flip for Charles Barkley’s most controversial quotes.

Barkley on Ferguson:

“I’m not saying who is right or wrong, I’m just hearing the true story that came out of the grand jury investigation…”

“Let me just say this. I think that we, we – I know I’m black, but I’m going to try to always be honest and fair – we have to be really careful with the cops. If it wasn’t for the cops, we’d be living in the wild wild west in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidents that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. I hate when we do that.”

Barkley on police brutality:

“The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people — that’s ridiculous. That’s just flat-out ridiculous,” he told CNN.

“I challenge any black person to try to make that point. Cops are actually awesome. They are the only thing in the ghetto between this place being the wild, wild west. So this notion that cops are out there just killing black men is ridiculous and I hate that narrative coming out of this entire situation.”

Barkley on Eric Garner:

“I don’t think that was a homicide”

“I think that cops were trying to arrest him and they got a little aggressive,” Barkley said. “I think excessive force, you know, something like that. But to go right to murder — when the cops are trying to arrest you, if you fight back, things go wrong.”

“I don’t think they were trying to kill Mr. Garner…He was a big man and they tried to get him down.”

Barkley on racial profiling in the black community:

“We as black people, we got a lot of crooks. We can’t just wait until something like this happens. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror,” Barkley told CNN. “There’s a reason they racially profile us at times. Sometimes it’s wrong, sometimes it’s right. To act like we hold no responsibility for some of this stuff is disingenuous.”

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Barkley on the George Zimmerman trial verdict:

“Clearly, something went wrong and I feel bad for anybody that loses a kid. But if you look at the case, and you don’t make it…there was some racial profiling, no question about it. Something happened to change the dynamic of that night. And that’s probably not a popular opinion among most people but just looking at the evidence, I agreed with the verdict.”

Barkley on the “acting white” phenomenon:

“Unless you are a thug or have a criminal record or you are just a jacka**, some black people don’t think you are black enough,” Barkley told SI.

“It’s a dirty little secret in our community. I want black kids to be strong and intelligent. We’re telling kids if you are doing good in schools, you are acting white. If you speak intelligently, then you are acting white. That is bulls**t.

Barkley on the women of San Antonio, Texas:

“There’s some big ‘ole women down there.” That’s a gold mine for Weight Watchers … Victoria is definitely a secret. They can’t wear no Victoria’s Secret down there.”

Barkley on using the N-word:

“I’m a black man. I use the N-word. I’m going to continue to use the N-word with my black friends, with my white friends, they are my friends. In the locker room and when I’m with my friends, we use racial slurs. … What I do with my black friends is not up to white America to dictate to me, what’s appropriate and inappropriate.”

Barkley on Adrian Peterson child abuse controversy:

“I think the question about did Adrian Peterson go overboard, but listen, Jim, we all grew up in different circumstances. Every black parent in my neighborhood in the South would be in trouble or in jail under those circumstances.”

Barkley on LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling saga:

“The problem I have with, if somebody wants to be racist, that’s all right. That’s their thing. But when you’re in a position of power and you can take jobs and economic opportunities from people, that’s what crosses the line.”

Barkley on being a role model:

“I am not a role model. I am not paid to be a role model. I’m paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court. Parents should be role models. Just because I dunk a basketball does not mean I should raise your kids.”

Barkley on gambling:

“Do I have a gambling problem? Yeah, I do have a gambling problem, but I don’t consider it a problem because I can afford to gamble.”



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