11 Struggles Only Dial-Up Users Understand

Throwback Problems: 11 Struggles Only Dial Up Users Can Understand

- By Bossip Staff
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11 Struggles Only Dial Up Users Can Understand

Remember dial-up? It was part of the early 2000s and 1990s when we had slow Internet and couldn’t do half the stuff we do now. It was really the dark ages of computer life. Let’s relive the time before Internet was free and happy.

That Loud A$$ AOL log-in noise that would take forever

Having to wait hours for the whole video to load before watching it

Creepy people hitting you with A/S/L on the regular

Having to pay for Internet. Where they do that at?

Getting mad when the phone rings because it messed up your connection

Being really excited because you were able to download one song on napster in an hour.

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Only being able to have one window open at a time

Having your computer freeze when those adult video pop-up ads would show up

When all your homies get broadband and you still can’t do anything because your Internet is slow

When someone steps on the cord and you’re disconnected from the Internet

When you got a laptop but you can’t take it anywhere because you have to sit by your Internet cord so you can watch a slow a$$ video


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