"Empire" Star Claims She 1st Encountered Skin Color Bias In U.S.

Colorism: Caribbean-Born “Empire” Banger Grace Gealey Says She Wasn’t Aware Of Her Lightskinned Status Until She Moved Stateside

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“Empire” Actress Claims Black People In America Have Different Skin Color Issues Than Islanders

Y’all remember Grace Gealey, aka Anika Calhoun aka Boo Boo Kitty on “Empire,” right?

In an interview with Details Gealey revealed some things about her move to the U.S. that some folks might find startling:

DETAILS: You moved to the U.S. when you were 18. What surprised you the most about American women?
Grace Gealey: For me personally, it’s the whole light-skinned/dark-skinned dynamic [for women of color]. I mean, there’s competition among women everywhere you go. But back home we understand that you can look like a variety of things and still be from the same culture. What I’m saying is that I’ve never felt like I was a light-skinned black woman. Never felt that way because we shared the same culture back home. But when I came to America, that’s when I started to feel that there was a lot of push-back from women. I was definitely made aware that I am light-skinned. I realized that was a thing here.

DETAILS: What kind of thing?
Grace Gealey: It was something that people felt the need to point out. I guess maybe it’s a form of intra racism: I was discriminated against for being light-skinned and there were a lot of labels. Some people assumed that guys might like me more because of my complexion or that I had it easier in general. Which is funny because I’ve been a victim of prejudice as well: There were times when I have walked into a Rite Aid at 12 o’clock at night and had the store manager stand in the corner and stare at me while I was looking at nail polishes.

Interesting. We wonder if darker complected women from the Cayman Islands feel the same way. This may have been Gealey’s experience but considering some of the issues with skin bleaching that exist in Africa and other parts of the diaspora we’d be surprised to find that America is the worst when it comes to the skin color complex. What do you think about Gealey’s reveal?

Probably our favorite part of the Details interview had to be to hear Gealey talk about her family. Another surprising fact about her when you hit the flip.


DETAILS: You’ve said that your character on Empire allows her man to be “the king” and to rule as he sees fit. Do you believe in that approach to relationship dynamics in real life?
Grace Gealey: I was raised by a single, black, deaf woman, so I am as independent as they come. I think it took some time for me to allow room for someone else to be there for me. But in my recent years, I’ve learned that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to allow someone else not to take care of me but to love me in a way that’s not limited. I feel like I have gotten much better at that.


DETAILS: What do you wear to bed?
Grace Gealey: Nothing. God, my mom is going to die.

DETAILS: Your mom won’t read this. What is your hidden talent?
Grace Gealey: I do sign language because my parents are deaf. It makes me way more compassionate. I have so much more grace and patience for other people. There have been situations where I’ve been shocked by the way that people have treated my mom because they are unaware that she’s deaf—or they don’t care. We live in an instant gratification kind of world and so we don’t have patience for anybody anymore. If someone is taking their time walking up the stairs and making you late for work, we don’t stop to think, Well, maybe they’re going though something—or maybe they just can’t hear you. So I am interested in understanding other people’s stories before I judge.

DETAILS: Can you read body language, too?
Grace Gealey: Like a dream. It’s a gift because of my parents. I can tell when someone is scared. I can tell when someone is lying. I can tell when someone is fake. It’s so bizarre. I can tell when someone is hesitant—or has a little bit of trepidation—and no one else in the room can read it in that moment. But I can tell.

That’s really dope that she knows sign language. Is it just us or was Gealey really tooting her own horn talking about her grace and patience and compassion? It’s not that we don’t believer her, we just gotta stop thinking about her as Boo Boo Kitty!

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