A List Of Things That Kanye West And Jay Z Require To Stay At A Hotel

Appease The Throne: A List Of Kanye West And Jay Z’s Ridiculous Hotel Demands

- By Bossip Staff
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A List Of Things That Kanye West And Jay Z Require To Stay At A Hotel

We’ve seen more than one celebrity draw up an over-the-top tour rider to help make backstage feel more like home while they are on the road, but Jay Z and Kanye West have applied that same level of bougie privilege to hotels as well. “The Throne” has a laundry list of royal decrees that would make Mariah Carey blush in shame.

We can’t help but think these “humble requests” would be VERY different for both of these men a decade ago, but they have a come a long way in both their personal and professional lives since then.

Hit the flip to see what Jay and Kanye require before they lay their heads down in their homes away from home.

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Maybe Jay Z has a problem with his sweat glands because he demands that his room be kept at a crisp 71º

Aesthetic slore Kanye West demands that all the flower vases in his room be cylindrical. Yep, you read that right.

Sir Hovness also requires 2 Mayan tuberose-scented candles. Each candle is $80.

Although these were discontinued TEN YEARS AGO, Kanye demands that a Genelec 1030a speaker be installed in his room.

Jigga demands that the hotel maids NEVER vaccum near his room.

Being that he puts his foot in his mouth so much, Kanye wants mint dental floss during every single overnight stay.

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Jay also warns that if the hotel staff would like to “avoid embarrassment”, they should refrain from asking him for concert tickets.

If Kanye doesn’t get his Kashi GoLean cereal, there’s gonna be a problem…

Obviously, Jay Z only wants Ace Of Spade champagne in his room. However, he refuses to be charged for it, because ownership…

Kanye requests 3 bottles of Paradis Hennessy.

Ironically, Kanye doesn’t have any real requests for North, but we’re sure Kim has a GANG of them.

Jay Z is not here to be rushing Blue Ivy to the hospital while they’re on the road. Daddy Hov asks that every hotel childproof every room for electrical outlets, corners and edges. He also requires all statues, lamps, breakable objects are completely removed.

Also, Blue will only drink organic whole milk. Accept no subsitutes.


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