Celebrities Who Hooked Up But Never Dated

Buss’ It Babies: Celebrities Who Like To Hook Up But Never Date

- By Bossip Staff
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Celebrities Who Just Hook Up

Dating isn’t for everyone. These celebrities definitely would rather get together for quickies than to have committed relationships, so they just have “hookups” without any intentions of dating ever. Here are some of those celebrities and their random hookups…

featured leo rihanna

Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio – They’ve been making out in clubs across the world but they’ve never been an official item. Do your thing, Leo.

Lil Wayne and Karrine Steffans – They’ve had intense relationships in the past but he never seemed to put a boyfriend tag on it. There’s something there but…what exactly was it?

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Black Chyna and Future – Future did…something…to her and she caught feelings and maybe got a tat but he never claimed her.

50 on chelsea

50 Cent and Chelsea Handler – 50 was in love but she had no desire to make it official. She just wanted the drawls.

Drake and Tyra Banks – They went on a few dates but nothing serious happened…oh, Drake.

Rihanna and Ashton Kutcher – They hooked up a bunch but never went further than that.

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Lil Wayne and London Lauren – They had a brief thing…but she ended up pregnant. Whoops!

Aaliyah and Jay Z – Jay allegedly hooked up with her a few times but that’s all that happened. Shhhh don’t tell Dame.

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Gabrielle Union and Derek Jeter – Rumor had it that these two hooked up briefly but they all deny it. Hmmmm…


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