Find Out Why No One Believes This Woman's Booty Is Real

Sorcery Or Nah: Find Out Why No One Believes This Woman’s Booty Is Real

- By Bossip Staff
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Find Out Why No One Believes This Woman’s Booty Is Real

Do you think this woman’s booty is real? According to Cosmo Magazine this nurse from Ontario has to convince people her body wasn’t from Dr. Miami:

When Liza Parker, a 29-year-old from Ontario, Canada, posted a before-and-after photo of herself to celebrate her one-year anniversary of following Instagram fitness star Kayla Itsnines’s Bikini Body Guides (BBG), Kayla regrammed the progress post to her own 5.2+ million followers:

When Parker realized her photo had been reposted, she was completely stoked. “I’ve posted many progress pictures over the past year, and to see that [Kayla] noticed mine made me feel great,” said Parker, whose journey has been a long one. Riddled with body insecurities and an obsession with her weight, she used to eat restrictively and exercise obsessively, which left her feeling tired and weak.

While Kayla’s shout-out earned Parker some 3,000 extra followers over the course of three days, the response wasn’t all positive. Instead of applauding her hard work, many commenters on Instagram and Facebook, where her photo was also posted, accused her of Photoshopping the pictures and getting surgical enhancements — two accusations Parker calls “absolutely false.”

Jade posted this video shutting down the haters and showing off her fit body:

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So here's me making a fool of myself in my kitchen! 😂 But I wanted to have some real talk with all of you and thought it would lighten the mood ✌ I woke up yesterday to @kayla_itsines featuring my BBG progress pic. I couldn't believe it! I was pretty jacked! Then the Internet trolling started🔸 It shouldn't have bothered me, but it did. I was accused of "getting surgery" to achieve my figure and that I had "photo shopped" my picture. Both completely FALSE. There was a lot more said. Some of which were absolutely hurtful & terrible🔸 I have seen these comments on other progress pictures Kayla has shared and I just don't understand it. As someone who is very open on social media I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion and I've dealt with negative comments in the past. However I'm never okay with body shaming or trying to discredit the hard work someone has put in🔸On social media we usually share the best of the best. We find the best light, the best angle, and quite often the best filter and it may not accurately portray what that person looks like every day. I was feeling pretty good the day I took my booty progress pic 🍑 I put on my fav shorts, found some good light and posed in a way that I felt accentuated the gains I had made. I didn't think I would ever be attacked for it 🔸For me it has always been about the strength and confidence I have built in addition to the physical gains. I know I shouldn't let comments from people who don't know me get to me but I felt I needed to stand up for myself. This is ALL me. And I love this program. And it works! I love all of you for being so supportive always ❤ Stay classy fit fam! 😉

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