Nate Parker Speaks On Rape Controversy Didn't Understand Consent At 19

Nate Parker Admits He Was Selfish When Defending Past Rape Accusations And Didn’t Consider Victim, “When I Learned About Her Passing It Shook Me”

- By Bossip Staff


Parker also admits he never even thought about the alleged victim since the incident until the issue came up again two weeks ago — but that when he found out she had taken her life, he was shaken: So why did you give those two interviews first? Because I feel like I had read some articles [about the rape case], but it wasn’t like this thing, until…

Nate Parker: This is hard; I’ve been trying to figure out how to say this. Not everyone has the best intentions. I thought I was giving the interview, at the time of those two interviews–and one really just bit off the other–I didn’t know the status of the women. I didn’t know. I was acting as if I was the victim, and that’s wrong. I was acting as if I was the victim because I felt like, my only thought was I’m innocent and everyone needs to know. I didn’t even think for a second about her, not even for a second.

You asked me why I wasn’t empathetic? Why didn’t it come off more empathetic? Because I wasn’t being empathetic. Why didn’t it come off more contrite? Because I wasn’t being contrite. Maybe I was being even arrogant. And learning about her passing shook me, it really did. It really shook me. Had you thought about her and this incident over the last 17 years?

Nate Parker: No, I had not. I hadn’t thought about it at all. That’s going to come off very…privileged.

Nate Parker: It is! Listen to me when I say I’m understanding that I’m dealing with a problem, like an addiction. Just like you can be addicted to White Supremacy and all of the benefits, you can be addicted to male privilege and all of the benefits that comes from it. It’s like someone pointing at you and you have a stain on your shirt and you don’t even know it.

I’m a work in progress. I’m trying to be better. I feel remorse for all the women that are survivors that felt I was being insensitive because I was. And I want to have a better understanding of how I can be more of an ally, if they’ll accept me. There will be people who won’t accept me, and that’s okay. All I can do is say that I stand for justice and really learn more about this issue so I can be a better ally of this issue.

We gotta ask — are you applauding his effort? Or is this just a matter of saying what needs to be said in order to do damage control?

Parker definitely seems sincere in his attempt to understand his own shortcomings.

Keep reading for his thoughts about whether or not the rape issue was timed to put a damper on ‘Birth of a Nation’…


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