Trump supporters accused of committing hate crimes since election win

Orange Is The New Hate: 1 Day Into Donald’s Presidency The Racists Have Run Wild

- By Bossip Staff
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Campaign 2016 Debate

Donald Trump Supporters Accused Of Dozens Of Hate Crimes Since Election Win

Donald spent months riling up “the forgotten man” in his quest to “make America great again”. That phrase, “the forgotten man”, rings off like a dog whistle that screams “bitter white people who are likely racist bigots”.

Trump’s path to the White House is paved with hate speech and violent rhetoric that invigorated a significant portion of his base and activated them to vote. So it should come as no surprise that many of his nefarious supporters are feeling emboldened by his unexpected victory.

This is just the beginning. Donald hasn’t even been sworn in yet and people are flooding social media with evidence of his constituents carrying out hate crimes.

Flip the page to read and see of the harrowing stories.

Image via AP


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“Your vote was a hate crime” spray painted on the Jefferson Memorial in D.C.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, many Trump bootlickers believe these stories of hate are fiction, made up to disparage their orange master…

Fortunately there are at least a few cooler heads out there…

But many will never forget the things Trump has said…

It’s gonna be a REALLY long four years, guys. Buckle up.


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