Tyrese goes on long Instagram rant about women who get plastic surgery

More L’s: Married Mansplaining Headazz Tyrese Rails Against Weave, “Hard Tiddays” And Faux Fatties

- By Bossip Staff
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Tyrese Continues To Bash Women On Instagram With His Uninvited Opinions

That’s right, Ty. Throw up ya “L gang” set…

Why does Tyrese think that anyone gives a s#!t about what he thinks? Just shoot Fast & The Furious 37 and STFU already.

Early this morning “Wack Black Ty” posted this Instagram photo and long azz headazz caption


Yes, there is a ridiculous amount of plastic surgery and terrible lookin’ fake azzes in the world today.

That said, why the f**k does Tyrese care so damn much?! Didn’t he just get married?? Does he actually think that some Insta-thot will be on her way to the surgeon, scroll through her timeline, read his message and change her mind?

HELL naw! She gotta DMs to answer, fly out flights to catch, and dumbazz men to take advantage of.

Women want these surgeries and thirst bucket men want to look at them. C’est la vie. Get over it. This is life now.

Flip the page to see a sample of the slander in Tyrese’s comment section.

Image via Instagram/WENN

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@odettebahati @tyrese I have so much respect for you as an artist, motivational speaker, a father and as person. But I am very disappointed in your view for women that choose to do what make them happy. Yes I am team natural too, I love my natural hair, and I did cut my hair so that I can grow it naturally without any chemical in them. But I will wear weaves to change style, to make me feel good about my self, to save time, But how dare you point out that women that decide to work on them selves and less natural? You are known for praising black love this black love that but your idea for black love is far different from what we all know what black love is, you married a gorgeous Caucasian lady, nothing wrong with that, but this post and your previous claim for loving Balck women or praising them, is just ignorant and pretence, you obviously don’t love Black women or may be you just don’t know what black love is. Otherwise, all women reading this, despite your race, do what makes you feel happy, don’t let someone make you think you are less of a woman because you want a big booty, pointy noise that ” I hear you can’t breathe through hmm” do it all, real men don’t come on social media and start making women feel less of them selves and that real men can’t appreciate them. @tyrese I can list for you a number of real black and white men that love real women, women that work hard and have no problem working on them selves to feel good. So take a close look at your surrounding, you will see these real men with their real women in wigs, pointy nose, big gorgeous booty and these men are embracing their women. #WithLove


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