Isiah Thomas' Son DJ Zeke Is A Two-Time Rape Survivor

Isiah Thomas’ Son DJ Zeke Shares Horrific Story Of Being Raped By Man He Met On Grindr [VIDEO]

- By Bossip Staff
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DJ Zeke Shares Story Of Being Drugged, Raped By Man In His Chicago Apartment

This story is so scary and what makes it most frightening is that ISH like this happens EVERY DAY! It’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we were definitely taken aback after reading about Zeke Thomas (real name Josh) who is a DJ and musician and also happens to be the son of Detroit Pistons legend Isiah Thomas. Thomas deserves to be applauded for his bravery after coming forward to share his rape survival story. He was a guest on “Good Morning America” this week and is also appearing in a sexual assault prevention PSA. But honestly, there is nothing like the rawness of the interview he did with NY Magazine’s The Cut…

Hit the flip to read excerpts.

Via The Cut:

“We had chatted on Grindr, and I had invited him to come by my studio since he was a singer,” he says. “Nothing against Grindr. I’ve met great people on Grindr, I’ve had sex with great people on Grindr. I can’t blame an app. But you don’t know sh** about people you meet on it.” In any case, they’d not hooked up right away. “He seemed like a great guy. We hung out at the recording studio. And then a couple of days later he said, let’s go to Boys Town,” the gayborhood in Chicago, “for a drink.”

He felt safe there: He’d had DJ gigs there. He knew bartenders. But by the time he realized something was wrong it was too late. “All I remember is … getting in the cab. I know that I got drugged. I knew probably the moment that it happened because something didn’t taste right. But I didn’t think about it. I just didn’t think about it.” The next thing he knew it was the next morning. “It was literally like with Bill Cosby. When those women were like: ‘I woke up and he was fixing me breakfast or whatever.’” He pauses for a while, and then continues, quietly. “I woke up and he was handing me a glass of water and saying, ‘That was great let’s hang out again.’” He noticed that his dog was shut outside on his balcony, barking. And the guy leaves.

Insane. WHY are some people so evil? We all deserve to have a CHOICE about who we allow access to our bodies.

The story goes into even more graphic detail.

“My a** was destroyed. Destroyed. I’m bleeding,” Thomas recalls. “And I’m just like — terrified. I can’t move. I didn’t move from my apartment for two days. I didn’t move. I didn’t talk to anybody. I froze.” When he went to find the guy on Grindr, he either had blocked him or removed himself from the app.

Just pure evil. We really wish Thomas HAD pressed charges, because the person who did that to him deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. As you heard in the interview with Robin Roberts, the assault sent DJ Zeke into a downward spiral of drug abuse and emotional distress (both understandable). The fact that this was his second time he had been sexually assaulted makes the situation even more upsetting. This man really went THROUGH it.

There are so many other people out there suffering like this, these stories HAVE to be told.

What more do you think we need to do as a community to end the stigma against victims, especially male ones?

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