Joel Osteen Got DRAGGED To Jerusalem Over Shady Megachurch Shutdown

$camazing Grace: Joel Osteen Got DRAGGED To Jerusalem Over Shady Megachurch Shutdown

- By Bossip Staff
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The Internet Vs. Joel Osteen

$uper $tupid rich megachurch pa$tor Joel O$teen is getting D R A G G E D for (allegedly) refusing to open his larger-than-life Houston praise palace to those affected by Hurricane Harvey and praying for them instead (because cheaper). Now, to be fair, many are claiming that the church is flooded and impossible to access while others maintain that it’s not, at all, and that he’s simply protecting the ATM machines inside. Either way, it looks bad–really bad–for the zillionaire televangelist and fueled never-ending slander across the internet.

Peep the Twitter chaos over Joel Osteen’s shady Houston megachurch scandal on the flip.

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