Wale Responds To Tomi Lahren's Jay Z Criticism

Lotus Flower Bombed: Watch Wale Succinctly Shut Down Tomi Lahren’s Jay Z Criticism

- By Bossip Staff
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Araya Diaz/Getty Images for BET/Michael Schwartz/Getty Images

Wale Responds To Tomi Lahren’s Jay Z Criticism

Another day, another headazz statement from uncooked quinoa clump Tomi Lahren. Toxicity Loathsome, who gets on our nerves more than a Sunday Chik-Fil-A craving, decided to stop singing along to 21 Savage to send some shots Jay Z’s way.

After Hov appeared on The Van Jones Show and called Cheeto In Chief a “superbug”, bored Becky Tomi decided to clap back on Twitter and defend the pu$$y grabber at Pennsylvania, Ave.

“As opposed to you who raps about b***s and sisters and brags about selling crack. Yeah…Trump is the problem…sure,” wrote Tomato Lozenge.

(What’s wrong with rapping about sisters btw?)

Wale then responded by calling Tomi “Tammy” (one of his favorite things to do) and added that Jay Z’s not in office and noted that she was JUST rapping 21 Savage whose lyrics aren’t exactly Presidential.

Gather that maladroit mayonnaise Olubowale.

Hugh Dillon/WENN.com

You’re so bored Tomi. Brush all five of those frail azz follices and go, girl.

More on the flip.

Tomi then brought up how Hov campaigned for Hillary who made those “super predator” comments.

Wale clapped back and asked if Tomi would still feel that way if a rapper made a song saying “grab em by the pu$$y”, ya know, like someone in the White House.

Pop that p, girl.

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