Singer Jaheim Weight Loss

Just In Case: Here’s Why Soul Singer Jaheim Looks Drastically Different

- By Bossip Staff
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Singer Jaheim’s New Look Causes A Stir

Yes, Jaheim has a new look and no, it isn’t seemingly due to a health crisis.

As previously reported fans and celebs alike posted memes showing the New Jersey singer looking drastically different. And while some people laughed, others slammed the critics amid rising concerns about Jaheim’s well being.

After doing some digging, we’ve discovered a perfectly reasonable explanation for Jaheim’s much smaller frame; veganism.

According to the singer himself, while he’s not 100% vegan, he eats clean and enjoys sharing photos of meals including some “cooking for bae” style concoctions…

and banana peels. Yes, this gentleman is eating banana peels.

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Good afternoon IG Food is energy so Give your gut what's Needed to fuel you up. I'm not a vegan I take No following in the world's Delusions of Confusion I just don't eat animal And products there of. It's like saying I'm christian And people start to put Then in box of limitations To life on so many levels. However I do supply My body w/vegan products In which I am investigating Everyday on what's health Or stealth for our body to Be well nurtured to have A wealthy living. Don't just throw away These peels of bananas Add them to your meals So your children are very Strong and energetic. (Google) banana peels And benefits there of And simply add to your Diet aide your environment. Bananas are a healthy fruit with a uniquely filling quality, but their benefits don't just stop in its nutritional value. The peel has plenty of unusual uses for the environment and your body. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, manganese, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, biotin, and copper. Aug 4, 2014. Nutritional highlights. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K as well as providing a good dose of fibre, folic acid, manganese and potassium. They also contain significant amounts of phytonutrients and flavanois which makes strawberries bright red. Herbs to taste w/few tablespoons of Agave is optional can use any herb you love. Also I used coconut oil you can use avocado. You can also use water to fully cook the peels Add oils once it's done. #energy #food #banana #secrets #pay #attention #jaheim

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When Jaheim’s not urging fans to eat healthily, he’s telling them about his 40th birthday celebration that included a relaxing moment in a massage chair…

and sharing tasty vegan food spots in Jersey.

What do YOU think about the super slimmed down singer?

Johnny Nunez/WireImage

More vegan-friendly Jaheim on the flip.

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Breakfast flow 4 ingredients can you guess what they are? Here's a hint ones a banana. Food is really what you make it but try your best to eat in colors as You know when the foods are cooked most lose color depending which ingredients they are however it's still rich and nutritious and if you feel like this may be an issue just consume 3 grams of the same raw ingredients or juice them for a good rush lol. I'll share this wonderful meal with all its ingredients Very momentarily I just want you all to think while others give it a good guess this will show the many foods we all use in our homes as well why so many people need to start trying other varieties to stay well nurtured & full of good foods on a daily basis. Here's another hint: Jackfruit and it is great for healthy bones and it's anti cancerous so this plant is what the Gods of the earth shared amongst the Royals and I'm talking B.C.E. Let's keep this going maybe your children can learn a thing or two or even help you when you need a boost now ain't that love also there is mushrooms but no onion however it was marinated with onions. Now guess the last ingredient I'll give it away soon. This is a live crossword puzzle lol I have to admit it This freestyle meal was an amazing journey I'll have to make this a special trip once a week or month lol. #guessthedish #hinthint #onepiece #is #a #banana #jackfruit #oystermushroom #JA #Heim #jaheim

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