Bloody Shoes: Twitter Lost Its Damn Mind Over The Alleged Cardi B and Nicki Minaj Scuffle

- By Bossip Staff
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Cardi Vs. Nicki Ignites Twitter

If you’re just waking up and missed the news, here it is:

Cardi B and Nicki Minaj got into a scuffle at New York Fashion Week. It’s unclear what exactly happened but rumor has it Cardi ran up on Nicki, lunged at her and threw a shoe. Allegedly Nicki’s homie Rah Ali hopped in and in the end Cardi has what looks like some sort of knot on her head or something.

Either way, this is all 100% wild as hell. Twitter has erupted like you knew they would, too.

Take a look at the wild reactions to the scuffle…we’ll stick with this as the story develops.

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