Super Soul Sunday: Dwyane Wade Tells Oprah He Had To Convince Gabrielle Union To Pursue Surrogacy After Multiple Miscarriages [VIDEO]

- By Bossip Staff
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Gabrielle Union And Dwyane Wade Introduce Daughter Kaavia James To Oprah

It seems like the whole world celebrated when Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade revealed they’d finally birthed a daughter with help from a surrogate. The couple sat down with Oprah to talk about their struggles with infertility and Dwyane Wade revealed he had to convince his wife to think about her own health.

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Hit the flip for lots more clips from the interview.

Here, Gabrielle opens up to Oprah about how it’s “still hard to let go” of the idea that she didn’t carry her baby.

NBA star Dwyane Wade opens up to Oprah about the dreams and aspirations he has for his family.

Gabrielle opens up about the backlash they received on social media in regards to their path toward parenthood and says she hopes that sharing their story will erase some of the stigmas that surround the use of a surrogate.

During a candid conversation with Oprah, actress Gabrielle Union says she never wanted to be a mother—until she became a stepmom to Dwyane Wade’s three sons.

In an exclusive interview, actress Gabrielle Union and NBA star Dwyane Wade introduce their beautiful new daughter, Kaavia James, to Oprah and the world.

Actress Gabrielle Union shares with Oprah how she was diagnosed with Adenomyosis after years of trying to conceive and explains how that condition affected her fertility.

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Here, Gabrielle tells Oprah that she wanted to share their path to parenthood to help people see how each journey is different, to give other expecting parents hope and to help others realize that “you don’t have to suffer in silence.”


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