Not Enough: Nicole Murphy’s “Apology” To Lela Rochon For Smooching Her Married Man Didn’t Save Her From MORE Internet DRAGGING To Hell’s Pits

- By Bossip Staff
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The ABCs Annual Mother's Day Luncheon - Arrivals

Source: Greg Doherty / Getty

Well this is quite the about face, isn’t it? Nicole Murphy has been Public Enemy #2 all week (#1 goes to Antoine Fuqua forever because he is the married one in this situation, after all). After first saying that her lip-locks with Fuqua were mere friend taps that come from buddies running into one another, she’s switched up her story and is now apologizing to the only victim here, Lela Rochon. You can read the apology here.

The apology, though, isn’t quite as sincere as people would like since it sort of makes more excuses than it does owning up. Also, and this is important, the person who NEEDS to apologize (the MAN) still hasn’t said a damn word. It’s all bad and Twitter was not satisfied.

Take a look at the destruction that took place after the sorry apology and how things are still going bad for Miss Murphy.

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