The Internet Refuses To Miss Sundress Season In Spite Of Covid-19

Bae(s) Of The Day: A Gallery Of Reasons This Quarantine Better Be Over By The Time Sundress Season Starts

- By Bossip Staff
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Yaya Beth

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The news about the future of Covid-19 and social distancing seems grim. So many of the pundits and prognosticators are under the belief that this thing could last far into next year. That would mean so many of the events we have been dying to experience are going to get canceled.

Not the least of them is the annual treat known as SUNDRESS SEASON. For those who don’t know, sundress season is that glorious time in the summer when ladies put on those form-fitting pieces of goodness that hugs their bodies like a tender love.

It’s really the greatest. If this season is canceled, then we are going to be highly upset.

That’s why we have decided to give you some of the best sundress pics on the net…and updates on when we can see women like this in person again.

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sundress szn 👀 @GabbyGavino #sundress

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Model: @cyn.steph #SundressSeason

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One Harvard study says that distancing may last until 2022 if no vaccine is found:

“Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes available,” they wrote in their report. “Even in the event of apparent elimination, SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained since a resurgence in contagion could be possible as late as 2024.”

The MIT Technology review is more optimistic: “The uncertainty is about how many rounds would be needed, and there is no reason to believe with confidence that it has to take until the summer of 2022. It should be possible to much more than double the number of critical care beds, for instance. Effective contact tracing would allow us to identify more accurately who is most likely to have been exposed to the disease instead of having to lock entire districts down. And if widespread tests can be conducted in the next month or so, we’ll have much better data on how far the virus has spread, and how far it could still go. Even if the US is not at the forefront of testing, better data from, say, Germany or Finland would still allow modelers to forecast with much greater confidence.”

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Model: @lelasiimone #SundressSeason

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We also know that Y’all Wack A$$ President wants to ease up on things ASAP: “The battle continues but the data suggests that nationwide we have passed the peak on new cases,” Trump said at a news conference in the White House Rose Garden.

“These encouraging developments have put us in a very strong position to finalize guidelines on states for reopening the country,” the president continued, adding that the White House would outline the guidelines during a news conference Thursday afternoon.

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Model: @katyaelisehenry #SundressSeason

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The beaches in Santa Cruz have already opened up, giving some hope: “Santa Cruz County Public Health Officer Dr. Gail Newel said during a weekly briefing on Thursday that certain low-risk outdoor activities and businesses where social distancing is easily maintained may be able to resume operation soon.

Newel pointed to outdoor activities life golfing and businesses like landscaping or outdoor construction as examples of the aspects of life that could be the first to return.”

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Model: @caribbeancurlss #SundressSeason

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However, the California distancing could last until the summer: “Even with the dramatic social distancing the county is now seeing, officials forecast that up to 30% of residents could be infected by mid-summer without more behavioral changes, such as reducing shopping trips.

As a result, Los Angeles County is extending the stay-at-home order for California’s most populous county through at least May 15.

Officials could not provide a definitive answer as to when the stay-at-home order will ease.”

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Model: @lorraine_sd #SundressSeason

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If Trump lifts the Shelter In Place orders then it’ll be sure that we will see spikes in the summer: “New U.S. government figures show coronavirus infections will spike during the summer if stay-at-home orders are lifted after 30 days as planned, the New York Times reported.
If President Donald Trump lifts shelter-in-place orders after 30 days, the death total is estimated to reach 200,000, the New York Times reported, citing new projections it obtained from the departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services”.

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Tag the damsel😩💕

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Despite Trump ending so many Shelter in Place orders, many states are ignoring him: “But more than a dozen states and the District of Columbia have already bucked the White House, extending shelter-in-place mandates in place either indefinitely or past that deadline. Seventeen other states and the U.S. Virgin Islands have orders that are set to lift the same day or the day after the White House deadline, though those could be extended in the coming weeks.”

The NY Fed president doesn’t think things will be back to normal this year: “I expect that to be able to bounce back a little bit more quickly than maybe some of the other sectors,” Williams said on CNBC. “But I don’t see the economy getting back to full strength by the end of the year.”

Some believe we are never going back to normal: “After a month of isolation, more and more people are talking about “opening the country” back up again, or getting back to “normal,” especially in time for the summer. For Ed Yong, a science writer at the Atlantic, the big question about this is: What will “normal” look like? The curve is not flattening in America. We don’t have an exit plan for safely reopening the economy. And we’re way past the point where things could just go back to the way they used to be. Whenever we can go back outside, things will be fundamentally different. We need to prepare for that.”

Everybody seems to be asking these same questions as they are wondering when this thing will end: “The phrase “will life ever go back to normal?” has spiked dramatically in Google searches as the coronavirus crisis continues to rage this week — and with good reason, psychiatrists tell The Post.

The number of people searching the term doubled globally in the past week, according to the tech giant’s coronavirus trends page, which also notes “how to feel normal” and “will life ever be sane again?” were also frequent queries.”


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