Here's What Happened When Ice Cube Skipped "Good Morning America"

Truth Is, We’re Tired: Here’s What Happened When Ice Cube Canceled His “Good Morning AmeriKKKa” Appearance

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Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - December 7, 2018

Source: Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

We’re living in trying times that are steadily growing worse amid the stomach-turning murder of George Floyd in the hands of Minneapolis police that sparked widespread outrage while fueling fiery riots across the city.

So much so, that Ice Cube skipped his appearance on “Good Morning America” (to presumably promote his upcoming film with Tracee Ellis Roos “The High Note”) in a bold move that marked the first non-violent protest by a respected celebrity since Floyd’s tragic death.

“I apologize to everyone expecting to see me on Good Morning America today, but after the events in Minnesota with George Floyd I’m in no mood to tell America, good morning,” he tweeted.

Naturally, Cube’s decision stirred up a flurry of mixed reactions across the internet at a horrific time in America where Karens and killer kkkops terrorize Black folks on the daily.

Hit the flip for MORE hilarious tweets/memes that got us through the week.

“I apologize to everyone expecting to see me on Good Morning America today, but after the events in Minnesota with George Floyd I’m in no mood to tell America, good morning” – major statement from a living legend

The energy we need right now

“Woulda been a perfect opportunity to speak to the masses….that’s wild that you skipped out on that” – fair point

“Ice Cube said he was no longer in the mood to tell America, good morning…and I FELT that.” – us, too

“Ice Cube asking black folks when we gonna fight back against cops…telling folks to hold their vote….

Then skipping out on Good Morning America…which could’ve been an opportunity for him to speak out and speak up, to the masses.

Typical” – again, fair point but Cube’s statement was equally powerful

“We understand, Cube. Ain’t much been good about these mornings in America.” – ain’t that the truth

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“@BOOSIEOFFICIAL GO ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA FOR ICE CUBE” – now you knowwwwww this isn’t happening

“The seeds for revolution are being sewn
I wanna see more and more cities ablaze.
If there is no justice, there can be no peace” – powerful

“I see Ice Cube cancelled his GMA appearance. I get it. This sh*t is heavy and weighing on us. We’re being treated like trash and it’s not ok.” – so true


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