Bossip Video

NASCAR Cup Series GEICO 500

Source: Chris Graythen / Getty

Bubba Wallaced ain’t buyin’ the counterprogramming that FBI is sellin’ and quite frankly, we’re not either.

Yesterday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the same agency that was accused of stalking and terrorizing Martin Luther King Jr. and God-only-knows what else, announced that their investigation led to the conclusion that Wallace was not the target of a hate crime after a noose was found in his garage. Instead, they claim, the noose was “actually” a “garage door rope pull”.

As you might have guessed, the news sent insufferable Black conservatives and their soup cookie cronies into a sick celebration of “sEe wE tOlD yOu THaT aMErikKka iSN’t rACisT!”

We despise all of them. We sincerely hope that every single one of…these people…stub their big toe on the foot of the bed and lose their toenail. On God.

Anyway, last night, Bubba took to the CNN airwaves to talk to Don Lemon and assert that the FBI needs more people if they want to gaslight him into believing that a noose is not a noose.

“The image that I have seen of what was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull. I’ve been racing all my life. We’ve raced out of hundreds of garages that never had garage pulls like that.”

He continued:

“From the evidence that we have and I have, it’s a straight-up noose. The FBI has stated that it was a noose over and over again. NASCAR leadership has stated it was a noose.

Press play on the video clip below and watch the interview in its entirety.



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