Bossip Video


Source: Twitter/@LucyYang7 / Twitter/LucyYang7

Protect Black Women” isn’t a trendy social media topic. It’s an attitude and practice that Black men, and honestly, everyone in the world, needs to be taking part in. Black women are the backbone of society-at-large and their safety is regularly compromised by people, systems, and ideas that make their existence painful, fearful, and potentially deadly.

When we see something happening to a sista, we need to find the courage and strength to stop whatever it is that is threatening her. That could mean many different things. It might be defending a Black woman against online attacks, it might mean speaking up at the job when she’s being harassed or targeted in the workplace, or, it might mean sitting outside her house to physically protect her and her child from potential hate crimes.

One man, a Twitter used named @FLOW349, is putting his money where his mouth is when it comes to shielding Black women from abuse. According to an ABC7 report, a woman named Jennifer McLeggan, a registered nurse who is likely working every day to help COVID-19 patients moved into her home in Valley Stream, Long Island 3 years ago and has been set upon by her racist white neighbors.

“I bought the property when I was pregnant, and this is the truth, the property was in bad shape,” she said. “I’m trying my best to make every effort to clean the property. I’ve done my best to clean the property. I mow the lawn, when there’s snow out here I’m shoveling the snow by myself. I’m doing what I can to keep the property clean. I kept on noticing dog feces. I kept on noticing ticket ordinances from the Valley Stream Village town. I keep getting tickets. I keep seeing dog feces. I installed a camera here. I caught my neighbor throwing dog feces in front of my property. I took that video to court, and I won a judgment.”

The sign you see on McLeggan’s door is a list of all the things that she’s suffered at the hands of the people living next to her. It’s a very long and heartbreaking list. Fortunately, someone gives a f**k about Jennifer. His name is Anthony and he’s been sitting outside of her home to protect her for almost a week now.

Anthony goes on Instagram live each night to detail his watch and to ensure that he too is protected by his cell phone video camera should something happen to him. The community has taken note…

Soon after this unexpected shoutout on Hot97, THIS happened…

In a time when everything in the world seems to be going to Hell in a handbasket, it is incredibly inspiring to see that people like Anthony (and the guy who brought him DiGiorno, not delivery) still exist.

Protect Black women and protect people like Anthony who protect them.


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