Jasmine Crockett Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene 'Racist'

Rep. Jasmine Crockett Alleges That Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Rancidly Racist, MAGA-Minded ‘Beach Blonde’ Is Probably Pissed

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Capitol Hill catfight???? More like racism running rampant.

Let’s start by stating that wrong is wrong. Now that the tone is set, let’s break down what’s apparently BEEN going on in Capitol Hill, in particular with the likes of a certain “bleach blonde bad built butch body” from Georgia. 

Jasmine Crockett x Marjorie Taylor Greene

Source: Kevin Dietsch/ Drew Angerer / Getty

As previously reported Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett and Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene turned a House Oversight committee meeting into a spectacle of accusations and personal attacks and in the newest development; Crockett is calling out Greene for being a racist.

Rep. Crockett said MTG’s words were a direct insult, and with the current climate of #BelieveBlackWomen, let’s protect her and listen clearly–the first time. 

Drama in the Committee: Oh No She Didn’t?!

In case you missed it, the conflict erupted during what was supposed to be a straightforward session to advance contempt proceedings against Attorney General Merrick Garland. 


However, the procedural event quickly devolved when Rep. Greene made a personal comment about Rep. Crockett’s appearance, saying, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.” That was the jab that started the problem.

To that, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jumped to Crockett’s aid before her fellow congresswoman held her own.

“That is absolutely unacceptable,” said AOC. “How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person!”

After a series of votes in response to Greene’s explosive rhetoric, Rep. Crockett made a dig that appeared to be directed at the Republican.

“I’m just curious. Just to better understand your ruling,” began Crockett after votes where taken in response to Green’s comments. “If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blonde bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?”


Rep. Crockett did not take Marjorie Taylor Green’s eyelash insult lightly, and on Friday she shared with CNN that the only way to label it is overt racism. 

“I’ve received so many amazing compliments from MAGA America throughout my time in Congress,” Crockett sarcastically told Abby Phillip on NewsNight.

“A lot of times when I would go viral, instead of them trying to address the things that I laid out in a very factual way, what they would try to do is say, ‘Oh, look at her hair,’ or ‘Look at her nails,’ or ‘Look at her lashes,’ and they would all then associate anything I do as a form of beautification with being quote-unquote ‘ghetto.’”

She continued,

“I am not the only woman in Congress that wears lashes, and there are women on her side of the aisle that wear lashes as well, as well as hair extensions. But she’s never felt like that was a dig that she needed to take at anyone except for me, a Black woman who sits on the committee.

“That’s all it is, it is racism. And she decided that she was going to be that person out loud and out front on yesterday.”

Greene knew she could attempt to get away with something so foul and in true Karen fashion, try to skate away from the consequences. To Crockett’s demise, that’s exactly how things went down but Crockett shared with CNN that she wasn’t going to take blows and not fight back.

Greene hit the entire room with some clever alliteration that shocked not only her colleagues but has left the internet trolling too.

Hit the flip for more of our thoughts on this matter.

The Role of Social Media: Fighting Fire with Fire

The confrontation didn’t end in the committee room. Both representatives took to social media to continue their feud, showcasing how political battles are fought in the digital age.

Biden Impeachment Hearing in Washington DC

Source: Anadolu / Getty

Rep. Greene, who was previously accused of racist dog-whistling by Rep. Jamaal Bowman, reiterated her ignorance on X, stating, “AOC isn’t intelligent. Jasmine Crockett has fake eyelashes. These aren’t attacks on personalities. These are just facts,” dragging the verbal jabs to the internet–very similar to the MAGA Maggot she openly supports on her platforms; Trump. 

Rep. Crockett turned her sharp rebuttal into a broader statement, leveraging social media to speak against racial stereotyping and even commercializing the moment with t-shirts featuring her comeback, turning a moment of personal attack into a campaign against racism and self-defense. 

This move has been viewed as controversial by those in the online community, as some supporters and others are bashing her for profiting off the hoopla. 

Impact on Governance: Beyond the Personal Attacks

This incident reflects a broader issue within U.S. governance: the shift from policy-driven debates to personality-centric clashes. Such behavior not only undermines the legislative process but also erodes public trust in political institutions. 

House Speaker Mike Johnson spoke with CNN about the lack of decorum, stating, “It’s regrettable” that partisanship in the House devolved into ad hominem attacks and chaos during the meeting.

The spectacle detracts from substantive issues, such as the oversight of executive actions, casting a shadow over the critical work needed to address national concerns. 

“When the chairman allowed the distinguished gentlelady from Georgia to attack another member’s eyelashes or her personal appearance, the whole meeting descended at that point,” noted Rep. Jamie Raskin, emphasizing how personal vendettas overshadowed legislative priorities.

Truly, I think we can all agree with that because again: wrong is wrong. So, Rep. Greene had to serve up her own justice.

Cultural Impact: A Divided Society Reflects Its Leaders

The normalization of such confrontations has a corrosive effect on societal norms, promoting divisiveness over dialogue. As elected officials prioritize personal attacks over policy arguments, they set a concerning example for public discourse, reflecting and potentially exacerbating societal divides.

As the dust settles on this latest Capitol drama, BOSSIP is committed to bringing you the latest updates. This incident is more than just a fleeting clash; it’s a reflection of deeper systemic issues that affect both the corridors of power and the fabric of our society.

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