Horoscopes For The Week Of June 2

BOSSIP Horoscopes: Week Of June 2

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Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Loving yourself is extra vital during this Gemini season. Why? Because some of your lingering shadow wounds will show up in the most unexpected ways over this period and by spending time pouring into yourself you can mitigate some of the emotional fall out. Remember our wounds don’t come up to terrorize us, they come for healing so that we can be made emotionally whole.

RED FLAG: Lingering addictions both those in yourself and others, may rear their ugly heads. Face them head on and get to the deep root of the cause. As for others, it’s cool to hold space for them, but only take on that emotional labor for those who are already doing the work for themselves. 

SWEET SPOT: Picking out a new fave nail color for the summer will bring you a lot of luck – lean toward golds, whites and shades of purple and lavender.

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