Lisa Marie Presley Opens Up To Oprah With New Intimate Details About Her Life As Mrs. Jackson

Lisa Marie Presley Says Michael Jackson Was Chopping It Down For 7 Years, Drugs Broke Them Up

- By Bossip Staff

Call it women’s intuition with a dash of fear…

Lisa Marie: He had to make a decision. Was it the drugs and the vampires or me? And he pushed me away.

Oprah: Vampires?

Lisa Marie: Meaning, people that are sort of …

Oprah: Sycophants sucking his blood?

Lisa Marie: Sycophants, yes.

Oprah: So you saw that all around him?

Lisa Marie: Oh, yes.

This is something Lisa Marie says her father, Elvis, faced in his life as well. “[My father and Michael] had the luxury of creating whatever reality around them they wanted to create. They would have the kinds of people who were going to go with their program … and if they weren’t, then they could be disposed of,” Lisa Marie says.

Legendary fame, addiction, prescription drug overdoses—the parallels between the lives of her father and former husband are astounding, even to Lisa Marie. “It blows me away, to be honest with you,” she says. Michael Jackson even died in a house that was across the street from a home Elvis once owned, a place where Lisa Marie says she spent time as a child.

“We were sitting by the fire, and he was telling me that he was afraid he was going to end up like my father,” she says. “[Michael] was always asking me about when he died, how it happened, when it happened and where. He said, ‘I feel like I’m going to end up the same way.'”


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