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Gawker has a story up about Christine O’Donnell the “special” female Republican nominee in Delaware’s 2010 U.S. Senate election and her lil rendezvous with a young man back in 2007 on Halloween:

Three years ago this week, an intoxicated Christine O’Donnell showed up at the apartment of a 25-year-old Philadelphian and ended up spending the night in his bed. Here’s his story—and photos—of his escapade with the would-be Delaware senator.I barely knew Christine when she turned up at my door at around eight o’clock on the night of Halloween. We’d met for the first and only time three months earlier when my two roommates and I signed the lease on our apartment: Christine’s aunt owned the place we were moving into, and she happened to be up from Delaware visiting at the time. But we’d only spent about five minutes together that day and we hadn’t spoken much, and I hadn’t thought of her since.

Yet here she was standing outside my door with a friend. And both of them were pretty tipsy.

She asked if she and her friend could come inside our apartment to change into their costumes. She couldn’t change at her aunt’s place, she said, because she was sleeping and she didn’t want to wake her up. Would we mind if she used our bathroom instead?

It was a pretty strange request. Sure, weird stuff happens on Halloween, but I barely knew her, and it isn’t every day that someone shows up at your front door and asks to change into their ladybug costume. But I told her it was fine and she was welcome to use our place to get ready.

It didn’t take long before the two women—who’d clearly been drinking—were sitting on my couch, beers in hand, trying to convince my roommate and me to join them for a night on the town. Christine was in the holiday spirit dressed in her ladybug outfit. Her friend, who had a female pirate costume on, was much more quiet and reserved. She barely spoke all night.


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