Mixed Girl Lost: A History of Struggle Olympian Lolo Jones Dissing Black Women

Mixed Girl Lost: A History of Struggle Olympian Lolo Jones Dissing Black Women

- By Bossip Staff
5 of 17

You would think struggle Olympian Lolo Jones had actually won SOMETHING based on her controversial tweets/Vines but she’s a career loser with 0 Olympic Golds and severe tragic mulatto syndrome. Why Lolo keeps firing shots at the very women who look like and support her, only she knows, but it’s clear she has deep-rooted self-hatred issues that ooze from her tasteless tweets.

Hit the jump for a complete history of Olympic failure Lolo Jones dissing Black women.

So, this tweet happened and Lolo was dragged straight to Hell by Rihanna’s ruthless Navy/Black Twitter

But the highlight of the night was well-respected MSNBC analyst/author Goldie Taylor’s eloquent dragging of the Olympic failure…

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If Lolo thought we forgot how she came for Trayvon’s friend Rachel Jeantel, we didn’t…

Who disses one of their 17 fans in front of thousands? Lolo Jones.

Maybe if she stopped spewing negativity she’d actually win…something. Just a thought.


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