13 Celebrities Wearing Knockoff Clothing

Caught Looking Busted: 13 Celebrities Wearing Knockoff Clothing

- By Bossip Staff
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13 Celebrities Wearing Knockoff Clothing

Even celebrities get caught rocking suspect clothing. It happens. Even rich people get caught with knockoffs that look like they fell off the back of the truck. Take a look…


Kevin Hart got called out showing off these Yeezys that might be fake


Drake with the fake Js


Future with the fake watch


Tika Sumpter rocking a dress that’s fly and not really the real thing


The Hangover got in trouble for this fake Louis bag in their movie


The Biebz with fake LV

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Can you spot the fake Louis belt?


Big Boi got flack for rocking these fake Jordans at a damn sneaker summit in 2009.


Rick Ross with more fake jewelry.


Look at these Baps in their LV


Paris just didn’t learn


Michelle Obama was rocking a knockoff but she pulled it off perfectly




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