Judge Orders Jagged Edge’s Kyle Norman To Stay Away From Family

Judge Orders Jagged Edge’s Kyle Norman To Stay Away From Family After Alleged Drunken Assault

- By Bossip Staff

Mother's Day Experience Concert

Cops arrived, and found the place a mess, and a bloodied Norman trying to clean it up. Cops even recovered a kitchen knife wrapped in a bloody napkin that had been hidden in the washing machine. When police tried to talk to Norman’s spouse, he allegedly blocked her from leaving. But she later managed to tell them that she was afraid of him and he’d abused her before.

Norman’s nine year old daughter witnessed the fracas, and the tearful girl later told police she ran and hid in the closet, according to the police report.

The officers said they found Norman with a strong stench of booze on his breath attempting to clean up the house. When they told him to stop, he allegedly said: “Nobody is going to talk to you and you need to get out of my house.”


The police took him to the DeKalb County Jail, where he later posted $12,000 bail. The judge ordered Norman to stay away from Merrika and Keelan – except for one trip to the family home to collect his belongings with a police officer present. The judge also said Norman must attend a “stopping domestic violence seminar” as a condition of his bail.

The singer is already on probation for beating up Merrika, holding her against her will and shoving her engagement ring down her throat. Norman’s alleged beat down of his son violated the terms of his probation deal, so police arrested him again last month. He is due back in court next week.

We’ve reached out to Norman’s lawyer, Durante Partridge, for comment.


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