Bella Thorne Accused Of Copying Black-Owned Beauty Brand

Soap-Deficient Ex-Disney Star Bella Thorne Accused Of Ripping Off Black-Owned Beauty Brand

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Bella Thorne Accused Of Ripping Off Makeup Brand

20-year-old ex-Disney star Bella Thorne launched her makeup line on Saturday. The actress already had clothing and other Hot-Topic looking items via her Shopify store Filthy Fangs, but the addition of two eyeshadow palettes is what really has people talking.

As soon as pictures were posted, people on social media quickly began to point out how similar Thorne’s brand new eyeshadow palettes resemble those from an independent, black-owned makeup brand, Juvia’s Place.

Nigeria-born wife and mother of two Chichi Eburu launched the cosmetic company a little over four years ago; Juvia’s Place is known for their highly pigmented eyeshadow palettes and Afrocentric packaging.

You can take a look at the side-by-side of both palettes below to make a decision for yourself.

Not only were people concerned with how much Thorne’s palettes look like a straight ripoff of Juvia’s Place both package-wise and with the eyeshadow colors themselves, but one of the most striking differences is price.

9 shadows via Filthy Fangs will set you back a whopping $60. A Juvia’s Place palette with twice the colors is only $25 (plus a 40% off code to save you even more coin).

Despite the anger coming from many, Bella Thorne’s fanbase didn’t seem to care at all–both Filthy Fangs palettes sold out in under 24 hours and have already been restocked.

After seeing everyone come for her in both her Instagram comments and Twitter mentions, Bella Thorne decided to comment on the fact that many people were claiming she stole her whole swag from an independent brand.

She pushed off the narrative that she copied anything, basically by implying she had never even heard of or seen Juvia’s Place to begin with. She also joked about one of the palettes from Eburu’s brand saying it was dope, and she should have copied that palette instead.

Nonetheless, people are still coming for Thorne and are unconvinced by her claims that she didn’t at least take some inspiration from the palettes that look so strikingly similar to hers.

Check out what people are saying about the discrepancy on the next page.

What do y’all think? Did Bella Thorne steal Juvia’s Place’s aesthetic? Or are these just some dusty, crusty, overpriced palettes we should pay no mind?

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