Diddy, Lori Harvey And Justin Combs Hang Out Together

Diddy Partied At A Strip Club With Lori Harvey…AND His Son/Her (Alleged) Ex Justin Combs And Twitter ERUPTED

- By Bossip Staff
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Diddy Lori Harvey

Source: Getty / Getty

Diddy, Lori Harvey And Justin Hanging Out

Well, this is quite the family affair. Diddy has caught all sorts of flack over the last few months over his relationship with Lori Harvey. For one, he’s almost twice her age and even though her stepdad Steve Harvey is seemingly unbothered by it and hung out with the couple in Italy–there’s still a HUGE scandal looming. There are allegations that Lori dated Diddy’s son, Justin, first. This has prompted social media to speculate about what kind of person dates his damn son’s ex.

Well, all of that has gotten complicated a bit this weekend as videos from Magic City’s social media show Diddy, Lori AND Justin hanging out together. That’s right. Diddy was in Atlanta for the Revolt Summit and had Lori with him…as well as Justin. Wild.

You can get a good look at the three of them HERE.
Excuse us, what? Seriously? So either this is some crazy bit of an understanding or some forgiveness that we can’t even wrap our brains around. But hey, that’s family business. Twitter, of course, has a LOT of speculation over the whole thing.

Take a look…

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