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The POTUS is not the only significant election taking place tomorrow…



Yes, tomorrow America has the opportunity to rid itself of premature eMAGA-lator Donald Trump and his soulless band of bootlickers for good. However, the election of senators who will work to reverse Trump’s harmful policies and implement new legislation that will support a new regime is vital to bringing change to life. We all watched how the Republican Senate hamstrung President Obama for 8 years to keep him from accomplishing all of his goals. In order to prevent that, we must be diligent in voting for Senate-hopefuls who will bolster Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should they win, or g-check Donald Trump should he be re-elected.

Barack Obama knows how important this is and today, according to 11 Alive, he will be in Atlanta to campaign on behalf of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Both men are currently running in hotly contested campaigns for the two senate seats that are up for grabs in “The Peach State”. Flipping Georgia blue would be a BIG win for Democrats going forward as well as for Joe Biden’s prospect for a win. Ossoff is battling racist, name-mocking, corrupt, incumbent Senator David Perdue, and Raphael Warnock is competing in a special election against multiple candidates including the crooked “Karen” Kelly Loeffler.

In Georgia, a candidate must win 50% of the vote for a clear win, anything less will trigger a runoff where anything can happen. Let’s not leave it to chance, Georgia! It’s time to vote like we’ve never voted before!


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