Bossip Video

The truth set them off.

Back to school: multicolored school supplies shot on wooden desk

Source: Thana Prasongsin / Getty

The unbridled truth has a funny way of grinding white folks‘ gears and causing them to devolve into an indignant and defensive posture. Instead of listening to the message and learning from it, they would rather try to defeat reality with revisionist rhetoric and ridiculous ranting. It’s quite immature to say the very least.

Enter an 8th-grade teacher named Katherine Watkins from Portland, Oregon. According to a DailyMail report, Watkins teaches humanities at Cedar Park Middle School, and on a recent virtual event for educators called “Equity ABAR (anti-bias anti-racist) Summit: If Not You Then Who?”, she simply told those in attendance the truth. If they don’t teach the true and accurate history of Amerikkka and continue the racist whitewashing of past atrocities committed by the stars-and-stripes, then they will become obsolete as educators. If teachers aren’t willing to adopt the idea of Critical Race Theory as they attempt to impart information on the younger generation, then they will likely be fired as students and parents complain of bias or worse.

None of this should be breaking news. It’s curious that those who label themselves “patriots” and lovers of United States history shudder and cower at the idea that racism and hatred have anything to do with the laws, policies, and practices that govern this country. But here we are. Peep what Watkins had to say in the video below (fast forward to 23:15).


Dem white folks MAD.


It will forever be weird to hear white folks use the word “woke” as some sort of slur for “understanding the truth”. It’s an anachronism at this point. Anyway, we could post butt-hurt reactions to Katherine Watkins statements all day but you get the point.

White folks mad.



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