Horoscopes For October 3-9

BOSSIP Horoscopes By Zya: Week Of October 3 – October 9

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


If you find that you’re in a “stop and start” vibe with a potential suitor, it’s ok, by the end of the month you’ll know if you want to move forward. Interestingly enough, this also applies to financial opportunities. My advice is: “doubt means don’t”. Sometimes our spirit knows what’s coming even when our ego wants to lead.

Red Flag: With Venus still languishing in Scorpio, be mindful of overindulging romantically with too many partners. And be sure to be super honest about your true intentions for the best outcomes.

Sweet Spot: You’re in a very karmic cosmic cycle, be empathetic to others while maintaining boundaries and self-control.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


You’re extremely magnetic this week especially those of you who have upped your self-care routine. Venus moves into Sag on the 7th doubling the “abundance” factor for you as Jupiter rules Sag and prosperity while Mars and Mercury co-mingle through Libra giving you a chance at securing a deep and meaningful romantic partnership. Singles go out and about this week with the intention of meeting someone amazing. For those who are partnered up, take some time to rediscover your loved one and plan some surprise dates. Restoking the flame between the two of you is especially powerful this week.

Red Flag: If you’re unclear on your wants and needs, the universe will respond accordingly. Dig deep and get clear.

Sweet Spot: Move boldly and bravely towards your heart’s desire, but give things time to play out.


Zya Moses AKA Psychic Zya

Source: Courtesy / Psychic Zya

Zya is a globally recognized, professionally trained Psychic Medium who currently resides in NYC. You can book a session with her at PSYCHICZYA.com


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