Horoscopes For Week Of April 10

BOSSIP Weekly Horoscopes: Week Of April 10

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Many of you are set up for a high level of spiritual mastery at this time; however the road to enlightenment is long, arduous and filled with jealousy from the sidelines. You are tasked at this time to really map out your spiritual destiny which should include what you want your partnerships and family dynamics to feel like from your heart center. This will allow your spiritual team to protect you along your path and make it easier to reach your goals because you’ve given them your wish list.

Red Flag: Observe the behaviors of those around you and adjust accordingly. This conjunction will demystify all in your world stay viligant for signs from the universe.

Sweet Spot: Learning to listen and trust your intuition is the only thing that matters during this conjunction. Once you’ve tapped in you’ll find that everything in your life flows with ease.

More signs ahead!


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