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Driving In Chania

Source: NurPhoto / Getty

Remember that lethally lead-foot lady who killed all those people when she blew through an intersection in Los Angeles and crashed into multiple vehicles and a gas station? It’s worse than you thought…

Nicole Linton has been charged with several counts of murder after her now-viral escapade and more details about her state of mind have come to light. According to NYPost, the LA Times obtained court papers that reveal that Linton was traveling a wildly reckless 130 MPH as she careened into innocent motorists. It was initially reported that she was going 90 MPH but the new reports say she floored her Mercedes-Benz for 5 whole seconds before making fatal impact.

“Further analysis reveals that her speed at impact was in fact 130 mph and that she floored the gas pedal for at least the 5 seconds leading into the crash, going from 122 mph to 130 mph,” said the filing, which was released Friday.

Linton’s defense attorneys attempted to shield her from responsibility by claiming that she had fallen unconscious prior to the crash. Prosecutors dug a ditch and buried that ridiculous notion by noted both the surveillance cameras that captured her driving as well as her steering the vehicle during her bat-out-of-hell barreling.

“This NASCAR-worthy performance flies in the face of the notion that she was unconscious or incapacitated,” the filing said.

We don’t know if this woman is mentally stable or not but she deserves the worst consequences that the law allows for what she’s done. Rest in peace to her victims.


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