Horoscopes For The Week Of May 28

BOSSIP Horoscopes: Week Of May 28

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Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Prepare for some abrupt endings and pivots this week and the following. And I’m not gonna lie some of it will feel like a gut punch but these endings are so necessary to clear a path to new beginnings. Trust your angels to guide you at this time. Also be slow to react and faster to sit quietly and meditate on all of the changes and how they will eventually benefit you.

RED FLAG: Triple check all insurance documents as some policies may have expired as of late – even go the extra mile and check online on the latest updates to your current policies.

SWEET SPOT: Scenting your home with vanilla, rose or sandalwood will calm your senses and bring you subtle joy throughout the week.

Book a psychic reading with ZYA at ASKZYA.COM. Use code BOSSIP10 for 10% off. **Limited offer.

Have a great week, guys!


Zya Moses AKA Psychic Zya Source: Courtesy / Psychic Zya

Zya is a globally recognized, professionally trained Psychic Medium currently residing in Miami. You can book a session with her at ASKZYA.com


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