Horoscopes For The Week Of October 22

BOSSIP Horoscopes: Week Of October 22

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Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Have you been feeling jealous of someone else lately? Are you secretly coveting what you perceive to be something of value that they have? If this hits home, Spirit is saying that many of these things can be something that you have as well, however your lack of boundaries with people is causing you to not have what you truly desire in this life. Yup! It’s a tough message to swallow but one that needs to be journaled on. To help you move through this check out the book Taming Your Outer

Child by Dr. Susan Anderson…this will help to heal any inner child wounds which is normally where poor boundaries start.

RED FLAG: Spend this week under the eclipse meditating and asking to transmute any negative feelings into deep healing and self-realizations that help you move forward centered in your power.

SWEET SPOT: Usher in the energy of the divine masculine into your emotional makeup by taking up a boxing course or spending time with males you admire. Take note of their brilliance and kindness and strength.

Keep going for readings for the rest of the zodiac


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