Behind The Click: Danii Oliver of DAMN Digital Studio

- By Bossip Staff

LDC: What is a typical day like for you?

DO:  It’s like TWO days to put it simply. I start like most with coffee or turmeric tea. Since moving to Brooklyn, I spend an hour in my car working while waiting for alternate side parking to end. It’s a rule that NYC has in place that you can’t park in a certain place until a certain time.

I then spend the morning taking calls and educating potential clients about what I do. I respond to emails, have planning meetings with my team, fight with my computer because it doesn’t render video fast enough while at the same time programming a new application. I’m constantly updating websites and designing something in Photoshop while having to stop and update social media about what I’m doing so potential clients trust that DAMN Digital is immersed in the latest technology platforms.

After my body forces me too eat something, often three hours after lunchtime has passed, I refresh my knowledge base. Being in tech means constantly learning and constantly growing and changes in technology often happens over night. I can’t afford to be behind in tech, something changes everyday. It’s very necessary to stay apprised and keep my skills up. The tech field is about how passionate you are about keep up with constant changes.

When the sun starts to go down, and most coworkers are leaving the building, that’s when my workday really begins. The phone stops ringing and I can focus on production, coding and completing projects. That’s possible if I don’t have a networking event or Meetup event to attend. In that case, I’m headed out the door to meet new people, gain new contacts and learn about new companies.

By 9:00 or 10:00 pm, I can get back to work once I get home with out interruption. I normally blog during this time, update social media and complete the tasks I postponed for the event. Around 3:00 or 4:00 am, I’m off to bed, anxious to do it all over again when the sun rises. I do this six days out the week. But often I’ll work seven days a week.

LDC:What is your biggest challenge in attracting clients?

DO: My biggest challenge in attracting clients is actually two-fold. If potential clients don’t know you, especially in the service business, they don’t trust you. That’s why I commit myself to attending several networking events per week. Then it’s either money or experience. I’ve also found that since DAMN Digital is a start-up, clients may not want to pay what we’re worth. The real challenge is gaining client trust.

Additionally, it takes money to make money. And it takes money or time to get the word out and attract more clients. Another small challenge is educating the client so much that it takes up so much of the agency’s time trying to sign them. But as a business owner, I am fully aware of the hard work that goes into maintaining a successful company.


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