What Happened? The Rise & Fall Of Ex-NBA Superstar Steve Francis

What Happened? The Rise & Fall Of Ex-NBA Superstar Steve Francis [Photos]

- By Bossip Staff
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Steve “Franchise” Francis was a 3-time NBA All-Star who earned over $100 million as one of pro basketball’s brightest young superstars. Beloved for his freakish athleticism and fearless edge, he flourished before crumbling into a sickly cautionary tale (stone-cold druggy?) who seems lost, hopeless and unloved.

Hit the jump for a photo gallery of Steve Francis’ heartbreaking fall from grace.

Stevie Franchise recently caught the Holy Spirit of Beysus and gave himself a champagne shower to “Drunk In Love.” Odd? Uh yea, and yet another bizarre episode of the “What’s wrong with Steve Francis?” show.

But, seriously, WHAT HAPPENED to Steve Francis? He was a bona fide NBA superstar with an Allen Iverson-esque allure.

How did we get…here?

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This infamous photo of a man believed to be Steve Francis hit the ‘net and sparked drug rumors but was never authenticated.

Or maybe he’s sick? Stevie currently suffers from Ménière’s disease which causes vertigo and hearing loss.

Who rocks their own jersey to an NBA game? Stevie Francis.

Steve Francis is ONLY 37. Tragic.


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